Saturday, March 10, 2012

Race Report and a Freebie

My blogging break is officially over! Much of my recent time has been devoted to preparing for my first mini-marathon that I ran in February. Talk about tough! I have never been a runner (even in my super-active high school days) so I was extremely proud of this accomplishment. I started with the Couch to 5k, and I ran my first 5k in September. My sweet hubby wanted me to continue running and bribed me with a February trip to Disney World to run the Princess Half Marathon. Apparently, I can be easily bought!  The race was February 26th. It started at Epcot and went through the Magic Kingdom and back to Epcot. The most I ran before the mini was 10 miles, so let's just say it was a challenge for me. But I am so glad I did it.
Here I am picking up my race packet at Disney's Wide World of Sports.

Here I am at mile 6. They had characters set up along the race route. I stopped for one picture along the race route with Princess Tiana because she is my favorite princess. 
Now that my race is over I still plan on running, but I will have more time to devote to other pleasures (like blogging!) This week a made a sweet little freebie for you guys. It is a cookies and milk theme noun, verb and adjective sort complete with two recording sheets for differentiation. I think you are gonna like it! Please note, when you go to Google Docs is does something funny to the clip art. Click Download Original to resolve the issue.

Okay, guys. I hope you have a great weekend. Gotta run!



  1. Congrats on the race! What an awesome accomplishment. And thanks for the wonderful share!

  2. This is a super cute activity! Thank you for sharing!


  3. Adorable! Thank you so much!! New follower.

    ps. Love the race pics and new follower.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  4. Congrats on your running accomplishments! I love this activity, thanks for sharing!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  5. These are great! I found you via Pinterest!


  6. Wow, congrats on the race, what a great accomplishment! (My sister in law did that same race, dressed as Tinkerbelle, we're so proud of her, too!)

    And thanks for the freebie!

    Sally from ElementaryMatters

  7. Thank you. These are wonderful. To run a race at Disney would be a dream. What a great gift from your husband.
    (Did you mean pursue instead of peruse in your profile?)

  8. Congrats on such an accomplishment! And thanks for sharing!
    Conversations in Literacy

  9. Congrats on your race!!
    Thanks for the freebie - it's just what we need! :)

    Abby @ Third Grade Bookworm

  10. Beth, I meant peruse (as in read other people's blogs carefully) but I guess I do pursue blogging as well :)

    Sally, I thought about running in costume, but I wanted to run in a technical fabric. I don't think I could go 13 miles in an itchy costume.

  11. Love this! Thanks for sharing!!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing this cute printable! Congrats on your running accomplishments! Wish I had the initiative to do something like this!

  13. thanks for the great share!!! Great job with the race also!!

  14. This is an awesome activity for my RtI group. Also bought cookies for them to eat when they are finished :)

  15. I love this idea, but I can't find where to "Click Download Original". Can someone help me? Thanks!

  16. Click on the actual picture. I will take you to Google Docs. In the top corner click file>Download.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Heather, how pretty and colorful!
    I'm going to steal it and go a step further and bring in a toaster oven to bake 2 cookies (for me) hahaha. I will have 2 cookies in brown bags for each of them. We will talk about what the cookies smell like, what we want to do to them, describe how they look, eat them (or save them)and finish the rest of the handout in pairs or groups. Well done, thanks.
