Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stocking Subtraction

I must admit, I was in a creative slump for awhile. Nothing seemed to inspire me (educationally speaking.) Then, eureka! I found the most adorable clip art (from Goodness and Fun on Etsy) and now I can't seem to stop producing printables for your downloading pleasure. Today I have stocking subtraction for you guys, but you should check back often 'cause more is on the way kids.  For this center, the kiddos have to match the stocking to the fireplace that has the correct difference written on it. I've included a recording sheet ( if you're into that kind of thing). My guys loved this one. Hope yours do too.


  1. Such a cute Christmas themed center! Thank you!

  2. Very cool! You have lots of cute stuff here - I am your newest follower! I'd love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-)

  3. I hope you don't mind but I put a link on my blog to your blog sharing your great ideas! I love your stuff!
