Monday, May 23, 2011


So as some of you may have noticed, I have been off the grid for awhile. Here is an update. For the past two years we have been paying two mortgages. We had a rental home that we were renovating to sell. It was a super long process for several reasons. 1. my husband is very handsome, but not very handy 2. my husband has two jobs 3. once school started that was all I was into.

Well, two weeks ago my teenage daughter told me that her best friend's family is being foreclosed on. Lightbulb! Immediately, I blurt that we have two homes. Maybe they would like to rent our other house. Turns out they do. Also turns out that the bathroom is gutted and that the kitchen doesn't have a counter, sink or faucet. Also turns out that the counter must be custom ordered because it is longer than 12 feet long. Go figure.

Well, thanks to the help of family and friends, 89 trips to Lowes (oh how I wish I were exaggerating) and three days taken off from work this past week it will be finished TODAY!  I will post pictures of the amazing results. After that, I will get back to making super cute printables to share with my blogging buddies. I have missed you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for you! We are also paying a mortgage for our home back in GA and a house we're renting in FL where my husband is stationed. I can't wait till we have some renters in the house!!!

