Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let Me Show You Around Part 1

I am such a nester. I adore HGTV. There is nothing better than a good makeover. I love to organize (but cleaning, not so much). I have spent a great deal of time arranging and organizing my classroom. Over the summer I moved classrooms. This was good for two reasons. 1. I am now in the new wing of the building with a whole wall of shelving. 2. I am closer to the students that I serve. I am sincerely hoping that I don't have to switch again. I spent at least a week (probably closer to 2) setting up my classroom. Let me show you around.

This is the view of my reading center. This is where we meet as a whole group for read alouds. Most of my instruction is done in small groups.

This is the view from the back of my classroom. To the left is my assistant's table. I have groups of students make six rotations around the room for instruction. One rotation is with me, one is with my assistant and one is independent work (centers or spelling.) They make two full circles. My table is on the other side of the shelves. This gives a sound and visual barrier between the two tables. Both my assistant and I can monitor students working independently from our tables.

This is the the view from my table. These are the beloved choice shelves. I keep these shelves stocked with manipulatives and activities for students to do during choice time. I changed my behavior policy this year after reading the book Tools for Teaching. At the end of each morning students who have their work complete may choose something off of the shelf.  If a student needs extra help with an assignment, requires extra time or simply didn't use their time wisely they complete it during choice time.  This is a huge motivator and keeps me from taking away recess. I'm not a fan of taking recess.
 This is my Smartboard I purchased it for $400 on eBay and mounted it to a rolling bulletin board. Where there's a will...

I have much much more to show you, but my husband just turned on Eat, Pray, Love. Out little tour will have to convene later. See you soon.


  1. I love the colors in your room and am super jealous that you can hang things from your ceiling!! Thanks for sharing some new ideas. :)


  2. OMG, you bought your own Smart Board!! How wonderful are you?! Question where is your projector mounted?

  3. My projector is not mounted. It is sitting on a table against the wall. Not the best, but we are not allowed to mount it from the ceiling. Plus, if I had to move classrooms that would be an issue.
